Thursday, April 17, 2008


My lovely Larkspur ironically are always blooming at the start of the NBA playoffs. But not this year. Oh, they're blooming and yes, the SUNS are in the playoffs, but the Larkspur are not in this flower bed. You see yesterday Randy transplanted most of the Larkspur and then ripped up the brick flower bed and layed pavers for a cute little patio area. We have been wanting to do this for some time.
When Randy has a lot on his mind, he likes to work through his thoughts by doing some serious manual labor. I think it proved very therapeutic for him as he will be conducting the service for his Dad on Friday. He had a lot of time to think through what he wants to share about his beloved Dad.

We are very pleased with the results. Randy did a great job!
We look forward to spending many evenings sitting out front. I found the beveled glass hanging light at a yard sale for $5.00. We have had it stored in our closet for years. Randy hooked it up on a timer so it automatically turns on every evening. We were like little kids last night waiting to see how it looked when it got dark. It looked great!

Oh, and about the chairs... years ago I was leaving my grocery store when I noticed that the Starbucks dumpster was filled with all these iron chairs. I had Randy go back with me to see if any of them were fixable. Three of them needed minor welding so we hired our neighbor to fix the chairs and we have enjoyed them for many years!


  1. Your blue flowers are beautiful, and that arched entrance, just too beautiful and romantic... I love it.

    pd: The house in the roses is having a dessert carnival… come and participate. It promises to be FANTASTIC!!!

    Have a great day


  2. The flowers are gorgeous! I would love to be able to have flowers like that up here! I can't understand why you can grow them where you live and just three hours go! Hmmmmm!
    Your new little seating area looks so inviting! No wonder you were so anxious for night to fall!! Enjoy!

  3. I love the SUNS colored flowers. Go Suns! I think they can really beat the Spurs this year. Do you know that the game is at noon on Saturday?

    Love the new little patio, but you'll need to add more chairs since it will probably be our first stop on the "long goodbyes". I can't wait to see it in person. Tell Randy - Great job!

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  5. Linda, always love seeing what you're doing in your home. The photo of Emolyn and great-grandma is priceless! Sorry about Randy's dad, but when there's peace - that's a whole other story! :)
    Love ya!

  6. Aunt Linda! It's Evan.

    I love the flowers! They are beautiful.

    My blog post today is about the Suns being in the playoffs. You'll have to check it out.
