Friday, June 13, 2008

I love weddings

I love weddings! But what I love about weddings these days is that anything goes! Weddings are unique to the couple and who they are. You can go to a wedding and come away knowing them better than you ever thought you did.

Caleb & Kali's wedding was SO them! Beautiful, playful, natural and authentic. The wedding took place on the 14th green of the Munde's Park Country Club golf course. What a gorgeous day! I am continually in awe of the beauty of our great state of Arizona. 450 of Caleb & Kali's closest friends came to witness their vows and celebrate their union. What a fun day!

Miranda and Tyler enjoying the festivities before we head on back to Phoenix... to the desert... to the heat... to our long hot summer.
Miranda did all seven bride's attendance hair for the wedding. She did such a great job! Be sure to go on over to Miranda's blog and check out her pics here. Oooh, and check out the awesome gift bags!

I know that everyone came to love and honor the bride and groom... but, well... guess who showed up and sorta stole the show? Ya, my granddaughter and that cuteness thing again. Shawn & Nicole had more fun parading their daughter around during the reception. Not only was this Emolyn's first road trip but her first official public outing and her first time outside! What a little show-off! What a little lamb!


  1. Emolyn enjoyed the fresh mountain air, I think she was a little confused at first!

  2. Everything about their wedding seemed to be so comfortable, but so beautiful. And I love Marcia's face in the picture of the bride and groom walking back down the aisle.

  3. I agree about weddings...the more different the better! I wish I could plan mine all over again. I love the brides dress.

  4. The Wedding looks just perfect and wonderful weather what more can a Bride wish for (: Grand baby is looking very big and healthy!!!
    Hugs, Diane
