Sunday, June 15, 2008

night-blooming cactus

I couldn't resist. My neighbors night-blooming cactus are in bloom. So after grabbing my Sunday paper from the driveway, I was back out snapping pics by 5:30 this morning. In my pajamas.
This particular cacti only blooms at night and quickly closes up by morning. It's now 8:00 and the blooms are almost closed up. They will shrivel up and die but several new ones will present themselves tonight. And what a spectacle they are! The bees would agree with me too! Be sure to clic the pics to see for yourselves.


  1. Fantastic photos Linda! My neighbor down the street has one of these cactus and I rapidly halted my car one morning, jumped out of the car with my camera and ran over taking photos trying to hurry before someone saw me! I've never met this neighbor since they live several houses down... what would they think? LOL!

  2. Great pics! My parents have one of those in their yard. When they first moved to AZ about 20 or so years ago I remember my dad being just amazed by that thing! LOL! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hello Miss Linda! It was so good to hear from you!!!
    I just spent some time catching up on your blog. I can see that you are as joyous as I am about being a grandmother. It is just wonderful isn't it?!! :-)
    My daughter and grandbaby just came for another visit last night. I need them to be closer....Illinois is just too far away! They'll be here for about a week. Yay!!
    Hugs to you!


  4. p.s. Thanks for the garden pics too! You know that I'm always a sucker for any kind of gardening!

  5. Thanks for stopping by! I've lurked around your blog a few times and found some mighty interesting posts. And the baby, oh my! I'm a labor and delivery nurse so I can certainly relate to the many ups and downs you folk have gone through. She is truly a doll! Feel free to stop by any time.

  6. Wow, those are beautiful. I rarely think of the flowers when I think of cacti. Very nice.

  7. This is gorgeous!! Makes me wanna move to AZ! I'm so glad you went out in your jammies to capture it for us!

  8. WOW!!!!!!
    My husband and I bought a night bloom, about 3 months ago for our home in California. I just love the blooms. On a beautiful warm california night, they began to open. We turned off the lights on the patio and watched the blooms open. What a wonderful thing to watch. The bee that came to enjoy the necter the next morning was as large as any bee I have ever seen.
    It was just as much fun to watch him go to work.

    Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures.
    Heidi (*-*)

  9. Do you or does anyone know the names of this cactus?
