Wednesday, June 18, 2008

my wedding dress

Hazelruthe's is hosting "show me your wedding dress" this week.

Randy & I were married Aug. 25th, 1979. And after all these years, I still wouldn't change a thing about that day. (Ok, so maybe Randy's white tux would have to go) But I loved our wedding! And I especially loved my dress. I still love it! I remember it costing $100.00 from Diamonds on Central here in Phoenix. It was the first dress I tried on. It was perfect. It still fits me, but after carrying my 3 kids high, it's rather tight around the rib cage area.

Ok, all you young whipper-snappers out there, get this... our entire wedding cost $600.00! I know, hard to believe, but true. I have all the receipts to prove it. Randy's tux, his ring, the flowers, cake, everything! Randy's brother Barry was our photographer and my wedding band was Randy's Mamaw's ring when she married in 1914. And my sister Kathy made the bridesmaid dresses. Oh, and about those bridesmaid dresses... I'd like to think I was quite the trend-setter back then because my bridesmaid dresses were just below the knee. You see, I am so dang practical that I wanted to be sure my girls got to wear their dresses again. And again they did! My sister Ginny gave me her dress and I wore it for years!
If you want to read more about our special day.... click here.


  1. Wow, $600! We did ours (just 4.5 years ago) for $2000, and I thought we were good. :-)

  2. How cute you both are!!



  3. Our wedding cost about $2000 10 1/2years ago and I still have the receipts too!

  4. okay so my mom can make bridesmaid dresses but she can't whip out a toddler a-line dress...I am going to call her first thing in the morning!! (she even has the material already!) I guess it runs in the family because I feel like my wedding was perfect yet practical/cheap. I tried on only one dress before the one I ended up getting and it was cheaper than my Senior prom dress...ack!

  5. No way man, the white tux was fantastic. Ruffle-y shirt, big ol' bow tie and all. Love it!

    I have often said that if I ever get married again (heaven forbid--I like my husband!) it will be a much more subdued affair than the original. But I'd still wear tennies again. ;)

  6. SO beautiful!! I love your dress and would love to see your bridesmaid dresses. Btw we too had several carpentars songs at our wedding in 1996- What a lovely tribute!

  7. Oh Linda, Randy's hair is hysterical! You still look almost the same! My wedding cost about the same but I borrowed my dress so I didn't have that expense... well, maybe not quite that cheap since my ring wasn't included. I also have a family heirloom ring from Chuck's great-grandmother but Chuck's dad had removed the stones and put them in a man's ring for himself so we did have to replace the diamonds for $300. LOL! I don't have my scanner hooked up so I'm trying to figure out how to get my pictures into the computer so I can post mine!

  8. You looked beautiful!!! (you still do) and I'm all about throwing together a wedding on a tight budget. Huge fancy expensive weddings are such a waste!

  9. How fun! It doesn't surprise me that you can still fit in it.

    I wish I had time to post my dress. I had it made because I couldn't find one that was simple enough in the stores. It cost $70 for everything to have it made. I really love it too!

    My dress was off-white and Terry's suit (not tux) was off-white too. We still have both of them hanging in the closet. It was definitely the trend back then. Terry didn't wear a tie though...sometime I'll post pics.

    We have guests in town for our nephew's wedding on Friday night. It will be fun to see what they decide on for their wedding party. I love weddings, but definitely prefer the more casual and comfortable ones.

  10. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Looking good!! I too got married few years back and got a same white wedding dress.

  11. Beautiful! I have a vintage 70's cotton sundress much like that!
    $600... today's brides think that $6k is cheap, ugh!!
