Sunday, August 03, 2008

first family photo

Our first family photo with our granddaughter Emolyn! (thanks to my tripod)
Let me introduce you to my family- Miranda (23), Tyler (19), Nicole (26), Emolyn (5 months), Shawn (26), Randy and I.
Randy and I are so thankful that God has given us such a wonderful family. I pray for them often throughout the day, that they would be so aware of His presence, His provision, His love. I am humbled to have had a part in growing them up, and now seeing them becoming all the God created them to be. They continue to teach me to walk by faith, as I watch them trust in the One that is bigger than themselves. They are wise beyond their years. My heart is full.

How cute is our little Emy in the last pic!
Be sure to clic the pics to enlarge.


  1. What a great family picture!
    The first one is good, but the second one is just perfect! LOL!
    So cute!

  2. Hee hee hee...Emolyn fits right in with the rest of the fam. Love it.

  3. we really photographed well!

  4. That last picture is a WONDERFUL picture of you ALL!!!! I giggled when I scrolled down to it. What a Beautiful family you have!!!!
    Hugs to you!!!


  5. I have said more than once I would love any advice you can give us on raising kids because I would love for my kids to turn out like yours did. I love the pictures too! Mirandas eyebrows are awesome in the second one!

  6. Lovely family. . . the circle just keeps growing. . . children, daughter-in-law, now granddaughter.



  7. I love how in the second picture we all look crazy and Emolyn looks so amused... like she knows something we don't.

  8. Oh! Looks like Little Emy is just so happy to be there! What a nice happy family yall make!

  9. I love your family pix!!

  10. Love the pics! Missed seeing you guys last night. It was a great concert. I hope Randy's feeling better.
