Friday, August 01, 2008

meet Mrs. McGillicutty

Introducing... Mrs. Lucy McGillicutty! Isn't she lovely!
I have always wanted a dress form. But I wanted a vintage dress form. So I started looking on eBay and that is where I found her. She was perfect. But as I patiently awaited her arrival, I found myself creating an identity for her. I know that sounds weird but it was so fun imagining her past. And let's be honest, I have quite the imagination. So if you want to read about what I came up with, read HERE.

Lucy seems to enjoy modeling some of the garments I designed back in the 70's.
The winter before I moved to Phoenix in 1977, I made this patchwork denim jacket and matching vest, using old jeans that my Dad and my brothers wore on the farm. I was all about recycling even back then. I even stitched a Levi pocket on the back of the vest. It was always fun to see what I would find in that pocket after a night out with friends... money, ticket stubs, bottle caps, candy wrappers, you name it!

You can read more about this cute little rick-rack number HERE.

Lucy loves aprons, so I often let her wear the aprons that are too fancy for me to wear. She always manages to keep them so crisp and clean. She's persnickety like that.

I gotta be honest with you. If I had a body like hers, well... I would wear her clothes. But in the mean time, I will live vicariously through her and long for the day I can borrow her clothes and look as cool, young and hip as she does.

My 23 year old daughter Miranda was a Princess at the Princess Party that our church put together for all the little girls in our church this past Spring. Mrs. McGillicutty has been wearing the gown ever since. And she may never take it off. And I can't say I blame her. Read all about the Princess Party HERE and HERE.

Thank you for visiting Lucy & I. Thank you for leaving a comment. Because then I can come visit each and every one of you!


  1. Lovely meeting you and Lucy. Your photos are great. ~Martha

  2. Lucy is very lovely indeed. Love seeing her in different outfits!

  3. Wow, that Mrs. McG is a true fashionista--she looks good in every style! Thanks for your fun post.

  4. Wow, we are on a first-name basis now? This is getting serious. :D

  5. I always love hearing about your Mrs. McG! She has quite an extensive wardrobe! LOL!
    Thanks for sharing her with us!


  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Love Lucy and the princess gown she is wearing. Have a wonderful day.


  7. I don't blame Mrs. McGillicutty for taking off that lovely princess dress... if I had a dress like that...

  8. Great outfits!!!!

    M ^..^

  9. Almost as lovely as the real Lucy =) Blessings... Polly

  10. That Lucy sure likes to play dress up! xo, suzy

  11. Who doesn't love Lucy?
    The princess is my favorite!

  12. well Lucy sure can wear anything! Nice to meet you and Lucy! That prinsess gown is so beautiful!

  13. Mrs. McGillicutty has such a lovely wardrobe! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Lucy is quite a clothes horse!

  15. WOW... the chick has quite a wardrobe. I wonder if she'd let Maude borrow something. LOL
    I enjoyed the visit so much! Love your craft room too!

  16. Lovely meeting or rather revisting sweet Mrs. McGillicutty!! She really
    is a true fashionista. LOVE her first name too, although I may be a little bias ;)

  17. Mrs. McGillicutty, TOO funny!
    She's great! The denim set is AWESOM. So neat that you used your fam's jeans on it too, it still looks brand new, but with the perfect "worn' petina!

  18. Lucy has a fabulous wardrobe! She is a beauty in all her splendor.

  19. It was an absolute pleasure and a privilege to meet Lucy McGillicutty.

  20. I especially love Lucy's pink dress!


  21. Anonymous9:32 PM

    i have to say, I think mrs mcguillicutty looks best in her princess outfit! TFS, and supporting me and nadia!
    xoxo, Tiffany

  22. My Grandmothers old form makes all of My Girlfriends dresses look great!
