Tuesday, December 09, 2008

craft fair jitters

Are we an insecure bunch or what...
Sunday our church held a Craft Fair during all three worship services. It not only gives the artists and crafters in our body an opportunity to sell their wares, but to connect as a community and get to know each other better.
Well, I was so nervous. I mean, what will people think of my stuff? I now know what my husband went through releasing his CD's over the years. It's kinda like umm, here's my baby, now don't tell me it's ugly.
I was nervous that no one would buy my thread catchers and nervous they would! You see, my fear is not only a fear of failure, but a fear of success... what it will it cost me... my time away from my family... my preoccupation with the business aspect... being a good steward of the money. You name it, I have counted the cost. I even opened an Etsy shop last year with big aspirations. Yup, named my shop Linda's Cottage. And well, that's about as far as I got.

Anyway, it ended up being the best experience. I sold one thread catcher and took two custom orders! One gal chose from the fabric I had set out for visual inspiration and my friend Lynn is having me make her a thread catcher with the fabric she used to make a dust protector for her sewing machine. How fun will that be!
We are doing the Craft Fair again next Sunday and I can hardly wait. Yes, it's putting myself out there, but so worth the risk. The risk of being known, of being exposed, of being seen as insecure and vulnerable and well, different. Nothing life-threatening mind you... but risky none the less.

And the best part, I held Emolyn for over an hour while she slept in a baby sling my friend Sarah let me use. Oh my goodness, just about the best. feeling. ever.

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