Saturday, December 06, 2008

more cottage chitchat

~ Our lemon tree is producing a bumper crop this year.
Did you know that some folks eat the entire lemon like an apple? My husband being one of them. Not me.

~ While our company was here over Thanksgiving, I slept on a twin Aerobed in my cozy cottage and Randy on a full size Aerobed in his office. Can I tell you a little secret? I have never slept better! We love our Aerobeds!
See, here's my theory. Guest beds take up precious real estate. Get rid of them people and buy Aerobeds! They take mere seconds to inflate and seconds to deflate. And they are SOOO comfortable! And you'll have more room for more collections! See what I'm saying!

~ My entire family is visiting the Happiest Place on Earth this weekend. Not me. I'm home alone for three whole days and loving the time to get my heart & head around the Christmas season. I am so behind. Where do I start?

~ I am so excited to have my daughter Miranda back home with us for a week before she takes off for England Jan. 7th! We are planning to scrap around the clock. Not really, but we could, cuz neither of us is working that week.
Yes, we'll be moving her home between Christmas and New Years. Can't wait for her to be done with school and work. Her schedule has been crazy.

~ For the first time in 15 years, Randy is not doing his annual Christmas Concert the first weekend in December. Which would have been tonight. Seems weird... but a welcome break. We have had so much going on and needed the year off. He'll be back next year with new music to usher in the Christmas season. I will leave you with this... click HERE to hear a portion of Randy's version of "Oh Holy Night", off his Through Different Eyes CD.

*** Oooh, and be sure to read the stories behind my plate collection below. I know. When have I ever posted 2 days in a row! Like never.


  1. How fun that you & Miranda will have a whole week off work together! Go crazy-girly.

  2. sounds like you are doing well - and i'm so jealous of the lemon tree! i moved mine into my bedroom, only got 2 lemons this yr :(

  3. Eats the whole lemon like an apple?

    Oh, my goodness, HOW can he do that? It made me cringe just reading it! LOL.

    I wish I had a lemon tree right in my own backyard. I think that is so cool.
