Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Emolyn @ 10 months

Emolyn spent the day with us yesterday. We had so much fun playing with her, reading books to her, singing to her and going for long walks.
I had gone to Savers the day before and found the coolest toys! But what do you suppose was her favorite toy? YA, a lemon that we picked from our lemon tree!

And an old iPod that her Popop found buried in his office. She went wild over it!

Makes sense. Think about it... what does she see everyone playing with... cell phones... iPods... iTouch. So why wouldn't she want one of her very own!

Look at our little lady! (as Mamaw calls her) She thinks she's so cool. And such a big girl. (13 lbs. 10 oz.)
Oh and she loves to wave. Not that cute baby wave... but that beauty-queen-on-a-float wave. So she would often wave at me while still holding on with one hand. She was so proud. And so were we. Oh she cracks me up.


  1. Grandchildren are so fun. Mine fill up my blog space too!!! :-)

  2. I can't believe she's already 10 months! Seems like just a few weeks ago you were posting about her birth. What a darling, and what a joy! :)

  3. She IS a beauty queen...or a princess at least! LOL! I never tire of seeing the pictures and reading your posts about her! Isn't it funny that when kids are that age they love to play with things that have the least value. Oh, wouldn't it be nice if that lasted? LOL! Enjoy that precious princess!

  4. Such sweet pictures of a precious gift! Your love for her oozes out of your posts. Beautiful.

  5. What a lucky girl to have such special attention!
