Thursday, January 01, 2009

my daughter Miranda

She's home.
We finished moving Miranda home yesterday and she'll be living with us for a week. And then she moves into a castle in England for 7 months.
I love that we were all snuggled in our beds, under one roof, as we entered 2009.
I love that I could peek in her room this morning and watch her sleep.
I love that she stayed in her pjs all day while we watched movies and ate Chinese take-out.
I love that I have a week to pamper her.
I love that I'm her Mom.


  1. Very fun...I hope you have a fantastic week all together.

  2. Oh My gosh those were the sweetest words! Such cherishment in your love for Miranda.

    And a castle. Really. oh my what an adventure.

  3. LOVE the photo! She's a precious young woman. Of course, you know how I feel about your girl. Can we adopt her into our family too somehow?

    Your words made me cry...reminds me of times when our kids are at home. What a gift to be able to spend those simple cozy times with them.

    Enjoy your week! We will miss her too.

  4. a castle in England? tell us more!
    enjoy your time.

  5. A castle in England? Oh sweet sigh! What a beauty she is.
