Thursday, March 26, 2009

24/7 prayer

So, what is 24/7 Prayer? Well, check it out HERE. What a great site! It will answer all your questions. Anyway, this the 3rd year that our church has been doing 24/7 Prayer. And what a week it has been! I am serious, if you live anywhere within the great state of Arizona, you have got to come!! NOW! Get in your car... get on the light-rail... hop on your bike... stick out your thumb (kidding!)... you will not be disappointed! Click HERE for map and location. Our 24/7 ends Friday, Mar.27th.

Here are some of the many prayer stations that help facilitate as a visual, a tool to take you from crazy, busy to a place of quiet meditation. I can't even begin to describe the prayer stations that gifted artists have put together. I am instantly drawn to the Lord and I am able to shut out the world and be with Him. The tears start flowing and I am calm and peaceful.

If you'd like to read about other 24/7 experiences from this past week, then check out our ODFprays blog.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad that I didn't get down there this week. Somehow the week just got away from me. Not sure how. I'll bet it was amazing...

    thanks for sharing the pics
