Monday, March 23, 2009

mommy & daughter day

I had a little photo session with Nicole & Emolyn yesterday at Amy's bridal shower. It was the perfect day to celebrate Amy and to share it with these two pretty girls.
Emolyn loves giving kisses and climbing all over her Mommy in the grass. She is without a doubt the happiest, most contented little girl I've ever seen. She smiles all the time.

Miranda wished me Happy Mother's Day on facebook over the weekend. Yes, it was Mother's Day in the UK. Randy & I can hardly wait to go see our daughter in 18 days! Trip itinerary coming soon.


  1. OOoh, way cool pics of Nicole & Emolyn. LOVE the pretty spring dress.

  2. love love love the 1st picture!

  3. How precious! Thanks for sharing them...
