Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Phoenix Light Rail

We did it. We took a trip on the Light Rail. To The Old Spaghetti Factory in downtown Phoenix. It's always a miracle to get the whole family together and this proved well worth the wait.

We drove to downtown Tempe, parked and walked to the light rail depot. And while we waited a few minutes I had a little photo op with Miss Emolyn.

The light rail travels over Tempe Town Lake. Love our town lake.

When Emolyn wasn't waving to all the passengers on board she was looking out the window with her Popop.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have us all together. For those of you new to my blog, Tyler is 20 and going into the Marine Corp in January, Emolyn Kate is almost 18 months and our precious grandbaby, Shawn is 27, Emolyn's Daddy and designs web sites and stuff, Miranda is 24 and starting her last year at ASU this month, Nicole is 27, Emolyn's Mommy and a full-time nurse. I am so proud of who they are, not what they do. Of course I am proud of what they do... but they love Jesus. And they love their friends and family. What more could a mama ask for.

Anyway, we arrive at The Old Spaghetti Factory and let me tell you, we had the best food, the best service and the best family time! I always ask for a round table, because then no one feels left out, we can all see and hear each other real good. So they put us in this partitioned room with a round table. So private and cozy. I ordered the chicken marsala and spaghetti with browned butter and mizithra cheese and it was simply divine!! Seriously, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since! It was THAT good!

Did you know that whatever you order at the Spaghetti Factory comes with a salad (THE best homemade ranch dressing on the planet), fresh hot baked bread, unlimited beverage and spumoni ice cream!! Yes, you heard that right. All of that AND spumoni ice cream!

I loved that when we stepped out of the Spaghetti Factory it was dark. Getting back on the tube, I mean the light rail, felt so, well, European. Yes, it reminded me of London.

By the time we got off the rail, Emolyn was so excited to walk. We were glad we had parked a ways from the depot so she could do just that.

All in all, such a fun, memorable family outing. As the reality of Tyler leaving in January draws near, these times become all the more special. But let's not go there yet... January will come soon enough. Till then, I am savoring every moment we have together as a family.


  1. It sounds like you all had SUCH a nice time with each other. What a special family outing. I can't believe Tyler is going into the Marines! How proud, sad, and concerned you must be. I know you receive peace from placing him in God's hands. I pray that will sustain you with strength as you part with your youngest.
    And Linda, I just want to say I'm so sad with you about your father's condition and his move away from his beloved farm. Alzheimer's is such a painful disease that brings such loss long before the person passes. I pray for him what I prayed for my mom in her final days that were so distant from us: that God will be ministering to him "inside there" and that your dad will have delightful, blessed times in his spirit very close to God.
    Love you, Judi

  2. Linda
    I am so glad you had this wonderful time and captured it in pictures! I can't even begin to know how you will feel while your son is gone at boot camp. Thirteen weeks, I know you'll be praying alot. I will also send one up for his strength to guide your son through the rigors of it. What a wonderful young man you have and very courageous too. I was always proud of Marc's decision to join the Air Force, but was so glad when he was released due to injuries. The thought of where he would be today is so much more then I can think about right now, we knew where he would have been shipped to in march of 2009. Take care, and know I'm here! Lori

  3. I love the speghetti factory. Your pictures are great.

  4. Sounds like a great time! Cherish every moment that you have with them all together. In the coming years, those times will be fewer and farther between. They are precious indeed! When I worked at Spaghetti Company(when did they change the name?) I used to love eating their sourdough bread dipped in their ranch dressing. Mmmmm! And I always know what I'm going to order before I walk in the door. Managers' Special - Spaghetti with 1/2 Meat Sauce and 1/2 Mizithra Cheese. Delicious!!
