Thursday, March 04, 2010

John & Beckie's Wedding

Do you believe in miracles? Well I do and I witnessed a few last weekend. First of all God united two of my dearest friends in marriage and I was honored to witness the monumental event. Beckie is my daughter-in-law Nicole's Mom and Emolyn's Grandma. And we could not be more thrilled to now have John as Emolyn's Grandpa.

And I'm thinking the prayers of this little girl... along with hundreds of others... were instrumental in blessing John & Beckie with the most beautiful day for an outdoor wedding.
The weather forecast all week said rain. And then miraculously the forecast changed the night before. BUT high winds were supposed to come instead.
But guess what? Nothing happened.

By the time the wedding was underway the skies were blue and cloudless and no wind. 
Thank you Lord!

How precious are these little ladies-in-waiting. 
I was actually crying by now and the wedding had only just begun.

But nothing touched my heart more than watching Beckie's precious Daddy walking her down the isle into the loving arms of her soon-to-be husband John.

At times it actually felt like an old-fashioned tent revival. We sang, we laughed, we cried, we gave thanks. We celebrated John & Beckie!

But I gotta be honest with you... Emolyn came pretty close to stealing the spotlight. 
I know! It was that cuteness thing again.

She was simply adorable.

So I couldn't let a picture perfect day go by without a photo session in a field of dancing dandelion puffs.

She was enchanted with them. And I with her.


  1. How precious. I love the little girl's dresses! What a happy occasion!!

  2. so fun! I love Beckie!

  3. There were so many tears of joy that day. It was one of the best weddings I've ever been to! I still cry just looking at the pictures. I can't get over how John's mom must have felt to be able to enjoy the wedding of her sweet son at 60 years old!

    Amazing day! Thanks for sharing. I have a few good pics of you and Emolyn too. I'll post hopefully this weekend.
