Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the scent of citrus

This is the time of year that the air is filled with the sweet scent of orange blossoms. I love it! It also means that our lemons & oranges are ready for harvest. We have a Navel orange tree plus a fruit cocktail tree full of lemons & grapefruit. The branch that once produced the Valencia oranges broke off several years ago. But how cool that for many years we had a tree that produced lemons, oranges & grapefruit!

But harvesting our citrus will have to wait for a couple weeks, till our kitchen remodel is complete. I can hardly wait to put up gallons of lemonade concentrate for the summer and trays & trays of orange juice cubes for smoothies. But till then I will have to settle for a pretty display of lemons on my new/old farmhouse table. Literally the only thing in my kitchen!

My friend Sandy @ RELUCTANT ENTERTAINER is hosting Home is... a delicious scent party!! Check out all the other party participants!


  1. I am so jealous that you have all of those lemons! And oranges too, right? I, too, love the smell of citrus. YUM.

    Thanks for linking up today Linda! :)

  2. Wow! Having a citrus tree must be like heaven~ that's so cool :)

  3. Oh, yummy! I'm with jealous!!!

  4. Oh, they are beautiful Linda! The scent must be out of this world. Guess what? We were almost 80 degrees today, it was amazing!
    Have a wonderful Easter too,

  5. WHat a blessing to have those growing in your property! Mmmm
