Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lyle & Anya

Randy & I were so thrilled to find out that our nephew Lyle & his girlfriend Anya are getting married in November! He proposed to Anya (who is from the Ukraine) at the Grand Canyon. And the next day we all gathered together to celebrate their engagement and well, as you can see, our granddaughter Emolyn managed to steal some of the spotlight. It's that cuteness thing again.

Anya is so beautiful. She loves the Lord and she sings like an angel and is a gifted songwriter. Her & Lyle will surely use their love of worship music to glorify Jesus together.

I had a little photo shoot in front of the purple Hibiscus with Miranda & Emolyn. I actually bought Emolyn the tunic she's wearing when she was born. It was brand new at my little thrift store and made in Hawaii. I couldn't believe how it matched the Hibiscus flowers at my sister-in-law Etna's home. We ended up putting one of the Hibiscus flowers in her hair and she was so tickled.

Every time the Thompson's get together it's a jam fest. The guys break out their guitars and we sing and harmonize and it sounds awesome! Shawn (Emolyn's Daddy), Lyle (the groom-to-be) and Randy are some of the best guitar players around. And they love playing together.

But this time Emolyn got in on the act and she had us all in stitches! This girl was feeling the music! She LOVES to sing. And she LOVES to dance. And let me tell you, give her a mic and she's in her own world. She sings loud and dances large. She is quite the entertainer.

She adores her Uncle Tyler and calls him Ty-tat. How cute is that.

She even manages to sing with a baby in her arms and a purse slung over her shoulder. This girl can do it all!


  1. Oh, that Emolyn! She just kills me! Such a little multi-tasker with the mic and the purse and the baby, too cute!

  2. That is so cute...that purse and doll picture is perfect for her wedding some day!
