Wednesday, June 09, 2010

bits & pieces

~ ok, so did you know that you can double click a blog pic to enlarge it? I've always clicked it once to enlarge. But recently found out that if you click it again, it gets even bigger!

~ oh my gosh, the music on GLEE last night was amazing! I have vivid memories of "To Sir, With Love" when I was around 11 years old and sang it all the time. So on Wikipedia I find out that the song was the #1 Billboard Hit for 1967, but never released in Lulu's native UK. How strange is that.

~ I awoke out of a deep sleep last night to deafening silence. Our entire street had a power outage for over 3 hours. Which meant no air conditioners blasting throughout the neighborhood. Just total silence. Very creepy.

~ my son Tyler leaves for Idaho for a week. Miranda leaves for the Bahamas to nanny for a week. My oldest son Shawn has been up north this week and Nicole and my granddaughter have been in Mexico this week.

~ I need to be somewhere... other than here... and soon.

~ Lucy misses Ethel. And I miss my sister Ginny.

~ got a call from my Dr's office that my cholesterol is very high. I immediately left Kohl's and went home to start a much-needed life style change. Sad to say, butter & ice cream are the main culprits.

~ Randy called me just seconds after I got the cholesterol call. So I had a little melt-down in the women's apparel department and he calmed my fears. We're in this together, with plans to bring it down with diet & exercise, before we even consider the medication route.

~ after a healthy salad I felt much better. So I'm thinking I may have to head back to Kohl's... so I can finish using my 30% off coupon :)

~ my friend Nancy & her husband Terry just got back from a 2 week mission trip to Bosnia. She just started posting of their amazing adventure on her blog HERE. What a blessing they were to the people of Bosnia. Can't wait to hear all the stories and view the 5000 pictures she took! Ok, so maybe a portion.


  1. Oh, my - good luck with the cholesterol thing! I expect to hear same if I ever get to the dr. I am at a horrifying weight and also need a major lifestyle change. I have been to the Y 2x this week. Yay me! I will be following your journey and taking one of my own! Again, ice cream and butter . . . my downfalls.

  2. Take a break and come visit our heat and humidity, Ha. It would be fun and we have air conditioning!!!

  3. I still need to show you how to get to the work out videos on Cox OnDemand - you should eat healthy and do yoga :) You'll feel amazing :)
