Tuesday, June 08, 2010

muffins in memory of

This morning I did a little baking. I made banana muffins for my daughter Miranda. You see a year ago today she left Royal Holloway, England to travel throughout Europe before coming home. And the banana muffins in the dining hall were a favorite of hers during the 6 months she studied European History near London. This was the last post she wrote before heading back to the states two weeks later. I don't know when I've been more proud of my courageous, adventuresome, fearless daughter.

Have I told you lately how much I love my kitchen? Well I do. And it's the perfect baking kitchen. I'm not much of a cook... but I do love to bake.

This is the banana crumb muffin recipe that I found HERE. They turned out delicious!

Don't tell me you haven't taken your goodies outside for a photo shoot. The lighting is so much better. And it hasn't gotten to a whopping 110 degrees yet, so why not.

Excuse me while I indulge myself. You know, before they cool off... and to make sure they taste good.
And yes, I saved plenty for Miranda & I... for later.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I love your kitchen too! I especially like the second picture with the view from your sink...it is so homey, cozy and real! I like the dishes in the sink and the ones draining on the towel. It just looks like home! I have been reading your blog for quite a long time but have never commented...I just wanted to tell you today how much I enjoy it and the 'real-life' ...but very cute way you decorate your home. I enjoy many blogs out there, but some just don't seem realistic or real to me..yours is and I think that probably reflects you as well. You seem like such a authentic and real person and a contented one as well. Please keep up the inspiration! God Bless!

  2. She looks like you Linda!
    Nummy looking muffin too~
    Stay cool in that hot AZ. sun!

  3. I totally get the outside pictures and I totally want one of your muffins!
