Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Family Camp~ Part 2


4th of July was a day filled with celebrations! We had worship outside overlooking the meadow, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Col.3:16) So amazing!

In fact, there was a moment during worship when I was so overcome with emotion watching my husband and our son leading us in worship. God is so faithful to guide each of our children on their own personal journey of faith. I am so proud of Shawn... as a son, a husband, a daddy and a faithful servant.

Then we gathered at the creek for baptisms. Oh my gosh, talk about the ultimate celebration!

Finally~ Western Night! What a fun way to celebrate families and friendships! Thanks Kelsie~ PINKERTON PHOTOGRAPHY, for taking all the family photos and the group shot below. What a wild & crazy bunch of family campers!

Emolyn is getting so excited for their little family to expand. Her baby sister is due 10/10/10! I can't believe how fast it is going. Of course we're praying the baby goes full-term and is born healthy. Emolyn came 7 weeks early, weighing 2 lbs. 7 oz... but very healthy!

Nicole & Emolyn ~ Kelsie & Rori ~ Meredith & Jack

We ended the festivities with a hayride... singing patriotic songs as we made our way around Mountain Meadow Camp. I couldn't help but snap a pic of our cozy cottage as we passed by. She was manufactured in 1976, the year of our Nations bicentennial birthday. So as you can see, she is very patriotic!

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