Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Family Camp~ Part 1

We made it! Oh my gosh, I can't even begin to tell you how special these past 4 days have been. Our cozy cottage on wheels got us to Family Camp @ Mountain Meadow Camp near Christopher Creek in 2 hours. I was euphoric. And cooled off! I mean come on, it was the road trip of my dreams. After 8 months we finally got our Travette travel trailer out on the road and she did not disappoint. SO cozy, cute and comfy!

Emolyn calls our cozy cottage "Mimi's house". And her cousin Nora, Nora's friend Hannah and Emolyn happened to be our first house guests after we got settled in.

Mountain Meadow Camp is so rustic. One of the prettiest settings in all of Arizona. We parked our little cottage mere feet from this historic bridge over Christopher Creek.

Have I ever told you how much I love creeks and rivers? Well Christopher Creeks happen to be one of my very favorites.

The first thing I thought when I saw this stack of firewood... photo shoot with the pretty princess!

Emolyn was singing Jesus loves me during our photo shoot.

... they are weak, but He is STRONG!

YEEEES, Jesus loves me!

... the Bible tells me so. Oh man, I love her to pieces.

And I love this man too.

What is it about moss that is so intriguing? I love the varied texture of moss to rocks... and the blue sky reflecting off the crystal clear water.

And these yellow flowers were everywhere.

Stay tuned. Part 2 coming soon.


  1. It looks so shady and cool beneath those trees, with the creek rushing nearby. How refreshing!

    And those are yellow Columbines (state flower of Colorado! :) I have some just like them in my own garden.

  2. Camp site is very cute - - - especially the first guests.

    I wonder if that flower is yellow columbine, sure looks like columbine though I've never seen it in yellow before.
