Sunday, August 22, 2010

31 years together

31 years ago my brand new husband carried me over the threshold of our tiny apartment and we could not have been more happy! Well actually we could and we would... because we were about to honeymoon at the Happiest Place on Earth- DISNEYLAND! 
We were like little kids, running from Pirates of the Caribbean to Space Mountain to The Haunted Mansion. I had never been to such a magical place!
Ok, funny Disney story. You see, I did not have a clue what 3-D was all about when I saw Captain EO for the first time in 1986. Once we got seated in the 500 seat auditorium and the film began, I was completely blown away! At one point I leaned over and whispered to Randy "what are the chances that we would get the best seat in the house! That flying fuzzball keeps flying right in front of US!" 
I know... need I remind you that I grew up in small town America on a farm.
Anyway, we have yet to go back alone, just the two of us. So tomorrow morning we're off to celebrate our anniversary in Disneyland! 
And I gotta tell you, I love my husband now more than I ever thought possible. We have so much fun doing life together. 
And I fully expect the park employees to remind us to stop running... just like they did 31 years ago.


  1. Happy Anniversary and have fun!!

  2. I cannot tell you how excited I am for you guys to have fun in the best place in the world!!! I know you're going to have a BLAST! I still have the picture in my head of when the 6 of us went before Emolyn came and you and dad were literally skipping up main street holding hands... you kids are so cute ;)

  3. Happy Anniversary! You are such an inspiration to me--I hope to be writing a post like you (saying you love your husband more at #31 than ever) in another 23 years! :) Have fun!

  4. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!! What an accomplishment! I'm sure you both will have an incredible time!!

  5. That is so cute Linda!
    Happy Anniversary my friend, have a blast at Disney!
    I am so happy for you and your wedding dress was so pretty!
    Did you make it?
    Best Wishes,

  6. You guys have a blast!!! Happy Anniversary:)

  7. Congratulations on 31 years! I hope you're having a ton of fun RUNNING around Disneyland!

  8. Hope you guys are having an amazing time! Love you both.
