Friday, August 20, 2010

Tonto Natural Bridge

Randy & I recently took a day trip and hiked down to Tonto Natural Bridge and we could not have been more delighted. What an amazing natural wonder. It is located between Pine & Payson in Arizona and well worth the time & energy. Yes, the hike back out is rather grueling but they conveniently place benches for those much-needed water breaks.
Entering Tonto Natural Bridge State Park

Notice the little people in comparison to the ginormous grandeur of the natural bridge.
Loved the brilliant green moss covering the rocks that are continually being watered from the falls.
We enjoyed being sprinkled & misted from the porous rocks above.
Just before I took this shot, I slipped on the rocks and my camera lens fell in a pool of water.
But as you can see, the camera is fine... and so am I.
And Randy was more worried about me than the camera.
Can't say I would have had the same reaction. Kidding!

The mist from the water falling was so refreshing.
And the rocks were dangerously slippery.
Truly an Arizona must-see!
As you can see I've been doing a little blog remodeling, so bare with me as it evolves and takes shape. I sure appreciate you taking the time to leave comments. Means a whole lot.


  1. Gorgeous, never heard of it. Thanks for sharing

    I love your pics, they look amazing!
    It kind of reminds me of slide rock. I think that's what it's called.
    And your new blog header and background look amazing, great job!
    It's still pretty warm and muggy here, but I don't care, I love summer!
