Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Emolyn aka Wonder Woman

My daughter Miranda wore this Wonder Woman costume over 20 years ago. The above pic was taken Halloween 1989. Her brother Shawn is standing in back of her and her 7 mo. old brother Tyler is on the floor in front of her. And the others are her cousins.
Well, as you can imagine, Emolyn was pretty excited to get in on the act and pretend to be Wonder Woman just like her Aunt Miranda. And Miranda couldn't have been more tickled.

I ordered those Wonder Woman PJ's for Miranda and Batman PJ's for Shawn one year for Christmas... knowing full-well that they would be spending every waking moment pretending in them, so they may as well sleep in them.

I am so blessed to watch these wonder women become all that God created them to be. Love my girls!


  1. That is so cute Linda!
    I can't believe how good you are at hanging on to things! What a fun thing to pass on. I used to want to be wonder woman too!

  2. Emolyn looks adorable in her Wonder Woman costume. Love it that you kept the costumes as keepsakes. It's almost time for me to drag out my son's little baseball uniform for his six year old daughter to try on.
    Have a great day!
    Ladybug Creek
