Friday, August 06, 2010

this & that

~ you have no idea how badly I want to be transported to this lovely, lush garden on Prince Edward Island. Click to enlarge so you can feast on the quaint and cozy garden cottage. You can check out the rest of Carolyn's garden tour HERE. But first finish my post, or I'll lose you.

~ Miranda's friend Carla came for a visit from London. What an amazing, beautiful young woman! Miranda hosted an open house so her friends could meet Carla and my daughter made Banoffee pie and it was to-die-for! I tasted it for the 1st time at a little cafe across the street from St. Paul's Cathedral while visiting Miranda in London and loved it. This was even better!

~ watched the Peter, Paul & Mary special on PBS and was reminded of a song I used to sing many moons ago- "For Baby" written by John Denver. I absolutely love Mary's version and I can't wait to sing it again to my granddaughters.

~ Carla brought us bags of Minstrels and so far I have managed to devour a whole bag myself. But don't tell anyone.

~ heard Gary Chapman speak at the Arizona Grand Resort Monday night. He's the author of The Five Love Languages- Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. What's your primary love language? Take this 30-second quiz to find out.

~ mine is Acts of Service. Randy's Physical Touch.

~ if I show you THIS link, will you promise to come back and finish up my post? Truly the ultimate in travel trailer eye candy!

~ OK, you can go on Carolyn's Garden Tour now. Oh and you have been forewarned... these images can lead to bouts of discontent and despair. And possible heartache. But then, maybe it's just me, or those of us that live in the desert southwest, or those who just long to live on Prince Edward Island.

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