Monday, August 09, 2010

My Cozy Cottage on Wheels

Can you believe it! She's ours!
You know how much I've talked about one day having my very own cozy cottage in the woods? Well, my dream has come true! Only this is my cozy cottage on wheels... that will transport me to the enchanted forest of my dreams. Ok, so I got a little carried away.

How cute is my little 1976 Travette travel trailer! Like way cute. Like, talk amongst yourselves way cute! Like... ok, you get the picture... my cozy cottage is cute!
I know, it's not the '56 Shasta of my dreams. They either cost a pretty penny... or they need total restoration. This one was hit the road ready and totally within our budget. And the whole 70's motif? It's growing on me. Throw in some tangerine orange and you've got my kitchen colors when we married in '79. (aka Tupperware colors)

Here's the scoop-
~ found her on Craig's List
~ located near Chino Valley
~ that was the main reason for our 356 mile Sunday drive
~ it was love at first sight
~ totally restored to our satisfaction
~ the bench seat & cushions make into a king-size bed
~ a 13 footer which was exactly what we wanted
~ only $1100.00. Such a sweet deal!
~ fits in our side yard perfectly
~ and will double as Emolyn's playhouse

Randy & I are so excited to take it up to the Mogollon Rim and experience our first rainfall inside our cozy cottage. Can you imagine the sound of the rain pelting on the aluminum roof? Heavenly.

Basically she's a step up from camping in our van. We are now camping in a travel trailer where we can actually sit at our table and play cards, watch dvd's, share meals, scrapbook, write blog posts on my Mac, sip mugs of hot chocolate, read books... whatever suits our fancy! And when we're tired, we make it into a bed, turn out the lights and call it a day. Heavenly.

So, my awesome husband and handsome sons are bringing her home today. And I get to spend the day with Emolyn while they make the road trip up north... praying they make it home safely.
And in case I don't say it enough... thank you Randy! I love you. You're my favorite husband ever! :)

That was posted on my blog in October, 2009, along with the pictures I took upon seeing it for the very first time. It was truly love at first sight.

And these pictures were taken just before we took her up to the mountains for her maiden voyage in July, 2010. What a thrill! And not just because we got her out of our driveway after 8 months, but because we experienced a 50 degree drop in temp in less than 2 hours!! Yes, from 113 degrees down to 63 degrees! Pure heaven!!

And come on, is there anything better than sleeping in soft, fluffy vintage sheets? I think not.

I've had more fun incorporating all the 70's vintage decor that I already had. 

We ended up taking her to the Rim Country north of Payson 3 times in July and can't wait to hit the road again. Click HERE and HERE for more cottage posts.

Thank you for visiting my little Cozy Cottage on Wheels


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Hi Linda! Oh, what a precious little trailer! I can tell you love it! It's so cute inside and it seems to be in great condition for you! This would be so much fun to take out and camp. My husband just retired in January and we've talked of doing just this! Maybe one day! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Cozy and lovely, those are my words to describe your "heavens"... a truly cute cottage, and you can take it with you to any enchanted wood you wish! Ahhhhm, just perfect! Thanks for participating in our "Show Off Your Cottage Monday" and bringing us here to the lovely green woods... ;)


  3. Oh I love it!! Those photos remind me of camping at Cades Cove, although we always had a tent! Love it, love it! Do people tell you you look like a young Susan Sarandon??

  4. That is just so cute Linda!!
    I love how you have added to the decor and what a great deal too!
    Any more trips planned?

  5. Hi Linda,
    Just had to let you know Katie's due date is Oct.6! So our daughters could have their babies on the same day, wouldn't that be cool! We're having Katie's shower this Saturday. And it's been stinking hot here. Today in the 90's with humidity that was just terrible. The heat index was 100.
    I sure hope your daughter can keep her baby in to full term this time. I understand the worry. Whenever Katie has pains, I think oh no, it's too early.
    Take Care my friend,

  6. She is a cutie! Does she have a name? Love the vintage style fabric you ordered. Takes me back to when I was a kid in the 70s and we'd borrow my grandparents trailer to go up to all our national parks near us. Good time!

  7. What FUN! I've dreamed of fixing up a little travel trailer and filling it with *tea* things and hosting parties! My dad has an old trailer in his back yard.....he gave me the blue sink out of because I collect kitchen sinks. I guess I will just have to be happy with that for now.

  8. oh my, she's adorable! love that she has a queen bed area. swoon worthy!

    i have a couple trailers: one huge girlie that both the Mr and i take out. and i have a little girlie all my own. i started a blog for her:

    jAne (SOTF #1818)
    ((sisters on the fly))

  9. Anonymous2:44 PM

    If I ever trade up from a tent (or sleeping in the back of the van) this is the way I want to do it.

  10. What a sweet little trailer. I love the 70's theme and I think you did a fabulous job decorating it!


  11. I love your cozy cottage on wheels...Mr. Cabin and I have been looking for our little cabin on wheels...too...we want to start traveling and doing flea markets selling my bags...maybe we'll see you at the campground! Mel's Designs from the Cabin...Mel

  12. LOVE IT!

    My dream cottage on wheels is made of wood. Check out my blog here:

    Annie B

  13. OMG! Adorable!! I am currently on the hunt for a cute little cottage on wheels as well... hope I find one soon!! :o)


  14. That brings back some great memories!


  15. I love your trailer. I have a '68 Shasta even though I longed for an earlier model in the beginning, I now adore it.
