Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Arizona in Autumn

Randy & I got up Monday morning and set out to find fall foliage up north.
And we were pleasantly surprised to find such exquisite brilliance outside Flagstaff.
I couldn't believe the vivid colors!

Who needs to travel to Wisconsin when Arizona's autumn is only two hours away!

I can't tell you how much I needed to get out of the city
and take in the beauty of God's creation.
All the burdens and cares of the world faded as I was overcome with peace and quiet.

After picking up a pumpkin spice latte, we made our way down Oak Creek Canyon,
my very favorite drive in all of Arizona.

Oak Creek Canyon is a river gorge located along the Mogollon Rim in northern Arizona located between the cities of Flagstaff and Sedona. The canyon is often described as a smaller cousin of the Grand Canyon because of its scenic beauty. State Route 89A enters the canyon on its north end via a series of hairpin turns before traversing the bottom of the canyon for about 13 miles (20.8 kilometers) until the highway enters the town of Sedona. 
The Oak Creek Canyon-Sedona area is the second most popular tourist destination in Arizona, 
second only to the Grand Canyon.

Seriously, Oak Creek Canyon is like driving down into the Grand Canyon.
Ok, maybe not as grand, but with a whole lot of trees!

* Serene * Tranquil * Peaceful *
I don't ever want to forget how I felt sitting on this rock in the middle of Oak Creek.

And just when you think it couldn't get any more grand... you're in Sedona.
And the surrounding Red Rocks take your breath away.
I'm not kidding you, I have met people that have traveled the world, 
and declared Sedona as their most favorite place.
It really is that awe-inspiring.

I could have posted a dozen more Red Rock formations, but I think you get the picture.

We finally stopped at the Wildflower Bread Company for lunch...
then shared a cup of coffee ice cream with toasted almonds at Cold Stone Creamery next door... 
all the while feasting on the Red Rocks of Sedona.
* Priceless *

 I zoomed in on the view we were feasting on.
But you can also clic each pic for an even better view.
Thanks for sharing in our road trip. 
And if autumn is not happening in your back yard, then I encourage you to take a Fall Foliage day trip.
And then tell me all about it!
I'm linking up with


  1. Hi Linda,
    I just adore that drive too!
    It really is gorgeous! My brother Tom is in Flagstaff so we have taken that drive several times and it is always breathtaking!
    Your pics are just outstanding!

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Hey Linda, Great pics! Looks like you guys had a gorgeous day!

  3. Now this post brings back memories. We drove that exact route when we visited AZ at the end of October three years ago. We spent a few days in and around Sedona...so beautiful in fall!

  4. Love your photos, Linda. What fun that you and Randy make a point of getting away for a refreshing weekend - or just a day - together. That's so good to do!

  5. So this is where fall is hiding. This is one of my favorite drives too.

    Thank you SO much for sharing.

  6. So pretty! I wish Florida has views like that!

  7. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I know I'm very late to comment on this blog post. But we are taking a drive from Chandler to Flag next weekend to take in the fall colors. Could you tell me where exactly you were in the gorgeous Photos 1-4? Was this within Flag?

  8. Thank you 'anonymous' for asking. Yes, the top photos were taken around the Flagstaff area. Be sure to drive through Oak Creek on your way home from Flag and then get back on the 17 near Sedona to Chandler. Such a gorgeous drive. Enjoy!
