Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wisconsin in October

Fall on the farm
We've been driving back to the farm the past couple years- in October.
But not this year. And I am aching to be back there.
So I decided to post a few of my favorite images, so I might feel better.
Well, didn't work... it only made me more homesick.

flags on the farm
I am grateful to have grown up on a dairy farm. 
My brother Ron & his wife Debbie own the farm now
and it's as beautiful as ever.
Randy's been climbing the 90' Harvestore silo for the past 30 years.
And I'm never worried. But maybe I should be.

York Road
We love exploring all the old country roads.
I snowmobiled on this road back in the 70's.
But only just returned a couple years ago in the fall. 
Oh my gosh, York Road has definitely become one of my favorite drives.

the colors on Eimon Road
The vibrant, intensely vivid colors are breathtaking!

Buena Vista Park
A road trip along the Mississippi River with my brother Gary has become a yearly tradition.
Love all the little towns along the River.

pumpkins for sale
A pumpkin slash goat farm on one particular road trip caught my eye.
It later became my autumn blog banner.
Cain's Orchard
Apple picking at Cain's Orchard near Hixton with my Mom & Dad...
truly one of my fondest memories.
I'm really missing my Dad today.


  1. Beautiful photos. I'm sorry that your missing it this fall, but after seeing your pictures I certainly understand why.

  2. I'm sorry you can't go and visit your family this year :( You and dad need to take a road trip to some place cool as a replacement... like Jerome or something like that :)

  3. I bet you are missing all that! I'm so sorry too! My husband really misses home in Puerto Rico, and he definitely feels worse too after looking at photos:-) Beautiful photos and memories!!

  4. Ah yes, looks a bit familiar Linda!
    We have been having a beautiful autumn but it's changing this week.
    Highs only in the 50's!
    I am missing AZ.!
    I haven't seen my Son since June and it starts to get hard.
    Take Care,

  5. Wow, so beautiful. If it makes you feel any better, we're still wearing shorts in Arkansas. :)

  6. The beautiful fall colors on Eimon Road remind me of our October wedding pictures in that very same spot. Wisconsin is at its best in October!

  7. Linda you are such a beautiful soul! I just love reading your blog and I feel as if we are in the same room when you speak of your dad. I know how much you miss him, I miss my dad everyday and more so during the holidays. Love you my sweet sister in Christ.

    Debbie Kay

  8. What a lovely place to grow up!

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