Friday, October 01, 2010

arizona autumn blues

Word on the street says cooler weather in the forecast for next week. 
Ya right. I'll believe it when I feel it.
It's 108 at the moment and I'm sick and tired of being housebound.
I'm not sleeping well, so my brain is foggy.
My blog has suffered.
I can't wait for cool morning walks... homemade frothy lattes... layers of clothing.
Speaking of lattes, remember this latte post? Written hours before Emolyn was born, 2 1/2 years ago. 
And now her sister is scheduled to be born in 3 days!

So I decided to break out the fall decorations and celebrate the end of summer.
Which means I can start using the autumn bag I made 
while visiting my sister Ginny in Wisconsin a few Octobers ago. 
Mine is on the left, hers on the right.
October is looking good so far.
Shopping with friends at the 7th Ave. Melrose District tomorrow.
A new grandbaby, cooler weather and a women's retreat at 7000 ft..
I am feeling hopeful.


  1. I'm in Tucson - LOATHE the heat!

  2. I can't even talk about it has been ridiculous. I want to fly out of to Michigan!!

  3. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I've been drinking Ice Coffee just lately. I didn't even do that all Summer.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    That last comment was me. Kathy Grayczyk ( having problems getting my acct.)

  5. Hi Linda,
    Katie is still prego and it's getting so hard on her. She has dialated some and other things and still nothing.
    She sees the DR. again on Monday.
    I hope they talk about inducing if she hasn't had her by then.
    I talked to my son and he said the same thing. He is so sick of the very hot weather and is missing Wisc. right now.
    I'm not sleeping well either right now. I have been worried about my daughter and the baby all week long so I know just how you feel.
    hang in there,

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Looking forward to Fall too. I posted a little bit from our shopping trip and Fall finds, but there's more to come. Can't wait to hear that baby Thompson has arrived!
