Tuesday, November 23, 2010

always a princess


Miranda & her niece Emolyn
at Lyle & Anya's wedding this past weekend.

Princess Miranda & her friend Elizabeth 
sharing a pot of tea in Disneyland a few weeks ago.
Our daughter Miranda will always be our little princess.

Miranda's 18th birthday (2002)

Miranda's Junior Prom (2002)

Miranda is such a loving, loyal, thoughtful, generous person.
Her friends are blessed to have such a friend.
I watch her and I marvel at her unwavering faith in God.
She demonstrates to me that she is indeed a Princess...
to her Lord & Savior Jesus Christ,
the King of Kings.
I love you Miranda!
I thank God every day that you are in my life.


  1. Your daughter Miranda is so beautiful Linda!
    Great pics and Happy Birthday to her!
    Happy Thanksgiving too!
    In a very cold and blustery Wisconsin.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Those are some awesome pics of Miranda. She sure gets lots of use out of her tiaras! How fun! I'm so thankful that I have the privilege of knowing her.

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    My precious daughter is every bit the princess in the purest since of the word. She is beautiful, passionate, caring, loving and has such a giving heart. She is a great example to women of what a Godly, humble, wise and passionate woman looks like. No father has ever been more proud of his daughter than I am. I want to be like her when I grow up!

  4. I like how Miranda looks pretty no matter what her hair style/color is. And I love her use of tiaras.
