Saturday, November 27, 2010

sledding on the farm

Today I got out the old sled to decorate for Christmas.
It's similar to the ones we used growing up.
Yes, that would be me and my brothers & sisters sledding in the early 60's.
I'm the one in the middle.
And that would be the little two-seater outhouse in the background,
with a dusting of snow...
that we never used in the winter. Ok, so maybe if we were desperate.
Sometimes I just want to go home... 
and be a kid again.
Don't you?


  1. yea, except for the outhouse.....

    you lucky dog, my gramma only had a one seater!

    thanks for the memory

  2. Jeanne Larson6:41 PM

    we sure did have a good childhood, we were poor, but we didn't know it.

  3. You mean we aren't kids anymore? I always enjoyed taking that long (30 miles was long back then) trip to the farm. Thanks for the memories!

  4. Anonymous9:31 PM

    LOVE the sledding photo! And the reminder of how much fun we had sledding in the winter. We had to go farther from home than you did, but we had a blast anyway. It was always such a cold walk home though.
