Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day

My kids have slept in the same room together on Christmas Eve since they were toddlers. One of my very favorite traditions. You can't imagine the conversations we've overheard. Remember, we were huge believers in Santa.
This year after Shawn's family went home, Randy, Miranda and Tyler watched "It's a Wonderful Life" till after midnight. I woke up as they gathered in the kitchen to talk about the movie...

... and then Miranda & Tyler proceeded to talk in their room till 3 in the morning. I know I've said it before, but nothing makes a Momma happier than knowing her kids really like each other.
So needless to say, we let them sleep in till 9am. Randy & I were like little kids waiting for their parents to wake up... only we were parents waiting for their kids to wake up!

We had such a nice, leisurely day opening gifts, eating a hardy breakfast, talking to my family back home, watching movies, napping and then spending the evening with Randy's Mom in Surprise. She made a wonderful meal followed by Christmas carols and story telling. Couldn't ask for a better day.

Oh but wait, it actually got better.
As the sun was setting in Surprise, I grabbed my camera and my kids and started snapping away. I love how these two played along and made it so fun and impromptu. They gave me pensive and whimsy, humor and spontaneity. And I savored every single minute. 


Thanks Tyler & Miranda for loving your Mom this way.
Cuz pictures of my kids make me almost as happy as my kids liking each other ~ haha.


  1. Hi Aunt Linda!!! I miss you guys!! Looks like you had a great Christmas:) This year the girls slept in the same room together and funny thing is they slept in fact Kennady woke up first and we made her wait in our room until Mya woke up. I think it was about 9:30 or so:) We are having a hard time keeping Kennady in the belief of Santa...she just keeps asking me if he his real and I don't know what to say?!?! I noticed this year she didn't let herself get too excited about the whole thing...kind of sad:( Ok so this was long, sorry! Love ya, Kristen

  2. What a cute posting. You have a wonderfully fun family!!
    Ladybug Creek

  3. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Hi, there,
    Just found your blog! Love it!Please visit mine when you have a minute! (By the way, I have a dear friend whose name is also Linda Thompson!)


  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Love the pics of the kids. Did they plan to have coordinating outfits on? Looks great!
