Thursday, December 30, 2010

a 26 year tradition

26 years ago
Stacey, Cindy, Karen & I gathered our little families
and celebrated Christmas Eve together.
And we've been doing it every single year since.
This year on December 26th we gathered at Karen & David's lovely home.

Other than that first year, we have taken a picture of our kids on the couch every single year.
We each have three children, and several have married and made us grandparents.
So needless to say, the couch picture has grown in volume.

The Moms ~ Stacey, Cindy, me & Karen

This year I put together a photo album of our first 25 years for each of the Moms.
As you can see, we didn't always take a Mom photo but always the traditional couch picture.
Randy scanned and photoshopped 25 years of pictures 
and I put the pages together and stamped the years.
Truly a labor of love for each of these dear friends.

We have seen each other through so much over the years...
many painful losses...  our parents, a son, a marriage and jobs.
We have leaned on each other for love and support and the truth of God's faithfulness. 
We have laughed and cried and hurt each other. 
But we have chosen to stay and pray and let God heal our hearts.
We have been blessed beyond measure!

Now, on a lighter note...
many of us received a pair of TOMS for Christmas.
So why not a TOMS group shot!
Which in no way will replace the couch picture.
Although maybe the Moms picture, as we're all getting older you know. Ha!

And last but certainly not least...
me & my girls.
I can't begin to tell you how much I love this picture.
These are my favorite girls in all the world!

Oh, and on another lighter note...
we rotate homes each year, so 4 years ago Karen & David set up the mashed potato martini bar ~
similar to what was served at their wedding the year before.
Well this year they served it again. Truly the most decadent means to eating mashed potatoes ever!
I neglected to take pictures this year, but you can check out that 2006 post HERE.


  1. I LOVE this, Linda Thompson! I so long for something like this. How blessed you all are!

    And girl I seriously wants some Toms! Do they run wide, by chance? I need a wide shoe. I totally LOVE those red ones.. what's with that? I'm not a red person. Weird.

  2. What a long-standing tradition! That's great. And that was quite a job putting together those scrapbooks.
    BTW, is there a way I can subscribe to your blog?

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Awesome tradition! You ladies still look gorgeous. Keep up the moms pics and the girls pics.
