Sunday, December 05, 2010

Christmas music memories

Dec. 4th- I don't even know when I will get this posted, but I just had to jot down my thoughts while still fresh on my mind. Last night's concert was so special. Like that should surprise me. I'm always overwhelmed and anxious going into these concerts, but always come away overjoyed and humbled by God's faithfulness. You see, each of the Christmas songs that Randy has written and recorded over the years mark a certain time period that I can look back on and see how far God has taken us as a family in this journey of faith.

When Randy performed the first Christmas song that he ever wrote last night, I was reminded that our son Shawn had not even been born yet. In fact, the cover of that album (and yes, we're talkin vinyl) there is a picture of Randy & I on the back cover and I was pregnant with Shawn and I didn't even know it at the time of the photo shoot. Shawn is now 28, a Daddy and playing lead guitar at these concerts! Come on, say it ain't so! Anyway, that song is on Randy's "It's By Grace" album and that CD is still in demand... after all these years.

The other song that leaves me undone is "The Angels Sing". Shawn has a guitar solo at the end of the song that... well, gives a sorta Eddie Van Halen flair to the evening. SO FUN! Check out THIS post for more of Shawn and his guitars.
Oh and that song was chosen by popular vote as "the best new Christmas song" in a contest conducted by the Phoenix Gazette in 1994. And you can find that song on Randy's "Once Upon a Cross" CD.

Dec. 5th- This is the 16th year that we've been doing these Christmas concerts and that, in and of itself is pretty remarkable, when you consider the busyness of this time of year, and rehearsals starting in November. We had to go to two concerts last year because of the large crowds. Sure makes for a very exhausting weekend. Last night was the 2nd night and it was overwhelming and wonderful. At one point I was sharing, and crying of course (I cry easily), and my granddaughter Emolyn came up on stage and handed me a tissue. Needless to say I cried even more. She is such a precious, sensitive little girl.

Clic the pic and check out those eyes!
Yes, having our adult children perform with us makes it even more memorable, leaving me at a loss for words... other than to say, I am very, very thankful. And wondering how this parenting gig flew by so fast!

Randy finally had enough Christmas songs to record an actual Christmas CD in 1999.
All the songs I mentioned and more are on this CD.
And I just told Randy that I especially love this CD cover, because I love burlap!

Recently I got to thinking about my childhood... and when I sang for the first time in front of people.

Well, one of my earliest childhood memories was singing a Christmas song. I sang "I've Got Eighteen Cents" at a 4-H community function. It was standing-room only and I remember holding 18 cents in my hand and holding up each coin as I sang each line. I couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 years old. But man oh man, I will never forget that thundering applause and how it made me feel.

I recently googled that song and found the lyrics. But the album I grew up listening to is nowhere to be found.

Eighteen cents, eighteen cents,
eighteen cents is what I've got
Eighteen cents, eighteen cents,
eighteen cents is not a lot

I've got eighteen cents to spend for Christmas
Don't know what to do
Must buy gifts for Mom and Dad
And Rover, and teach and sister, too

I'll get Daddy two big books of matches
For when he wants to smoke
Mommy'll get a new ashtray
Just like the one I kinda broke!

A penny for the matches, a nickel for the tray
That leaves twelve whole cents
And Rover gets a soupbone the butcher gives away
And Teacher gets a ruler to take measurements

That will leave ten cents to spend for Christmas
Sis gets a candy bar
Then I'll still have five cents left
To buy our tree a silver star

A penny for the matches, a nickel for the tray
That leaves twelve whole cents
And Rover gets a soupbone the butcher gives away
And Teacher gets a ruler to take measurements

That will leave ten cents to spend for Christmas
Sis gets a candy bar
Then I'll still have five cents left
To buy our Christmas tree a silver star!!! 

Please let me know if you happen to have the album with this song. Randy has been taking all our old Christmas vinyl albums and putting them on his iPod, filling our home with sweet memories from the past. Finding that album would sure make our Christmas extra special. Thanks!

*** More concerts pics coming to a post near & dearest to you! 
Love to you all!


  1. That is really nice Linda! What a wonderful thing for your family! I wish I was there and could hear your concerts too!
    Hugs Friend,

  2. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Great post Linda and 18 cents is a hilarious song. I've never heard it before and it just shows how much things have changed.

    I love the concerts too and was so thrilled to be there with other family and friends too.

  3. Anonymous3:39 PM

    How funny! I found your blog searching for the "18 Cents" song (circa 1965ish?). I also goggled the lyrics and can sing this goofy tune in my head, but couldn't find the music. If I find it, I'll come back and share!

  4. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Found it on YouTube! Silly memories...

  5. Dear Anonymous,

    THANK YOU!! You found that song on YOUTUBE!!
    I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I was to hear that song again!
    THANK YOU! You have made my Christmas extra special!

    Forever grateful,
