Thursday, December 02, 2010

Christmas Concert

What a week! 
  • Tuesday night we went to a book signing/ release party for a dear friend of ours. Mark Williams book Holy Ground is out and I can't wait to read it. 
  • Then last night I saw the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular! So amazing! Wait till you see my back-stage tour pics. Very fun and fascinating.
  • Tonight is the final rehearsal for my husband Randy's Christmas Concert.
  • And Friday & Saturday night are the concerts! Click the poster for more info. I would love to see you there!
  • Sunday I can finally slow down and start decorating, shopping and baking for Christmas!
  • Oh, and our church has their annual Christmas Boutique & Farmer's Market Saturday (9-2pm) & Sunday!
  • Whew! I'm already tired just thinking about it.
But all of this does make for lots of blogging material. ha!
Which I love to do, especially with Christmas music playing non-stop and winter scenes displayed on our TV screen. Yes, my husband loaded tons of winter scenes on his iPod so they can appear on our wall-mounted TV. It feels like I'm looking out my window on winter scenes that change all throughout the day. My very own gallery of memorable moments. You see, most of these images are pictures I took a year ago when we drove back to Wisconsin on Christmas Day for my Dad's funeral. I can't tell you how comforting it is to see these images up on that screen at this time of year.
I'll be sure to post some of my favorites now and again.

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