Friday, January 28, 2011

Emolyn's favorite things

I have fond memories of sifting buttons through my fingers 
at my Grandma Larson's house.
My Mom also had a basket of buttons that I would spend hours picking through.
Remember getting so excited when you found a button with diamonds!

So like any good grandma, I have oodles of buttons for my granddaughters to play with,
along with an assorted collection of vintage dice, marbles and thimbles.

And it happens to be one of Emolyn's favorite things to do at Mimi's house!

Be sure to click each picture for a better look.

Of course Emolyn can't do anything without her baby by her side.
She is the most nurturing little girl I have ever known.
And what is she making? Soup. She is always making soup.

Emolyn loves my sewing/craft room.
She loves sorting through my collection of wooden spools
covered in every color thread imaginable.
She will spend hours sticking pins in my collection of pincushions.
I first posted about my collection of pin cushions and buttons almost four years ago HERE

She's like Tinker Bell in a candy store...
"what do I play with next?"

I recently decided to store most of my buttons in the old pickle jar
 that I got at Aunt Evelyn's estate sale many years ago.
I found the side table on the side of the road.
And do you see that aqua blue Nano?
I got it over three years ago for my birthday and it's still empty.
But you gotta admit, it looks pretty cute in my aqua blue room.

When Emolyn is finally all played-out,
she cuddles up on the floor with her Pop Pop & Koda and watches "Brave Little Toaster".
Don't you just love Toaster, Blanky, Radio, Kirby & Lampy?
My kids loved that movie growing up.


  1. I think I'd like to be your granddaughter for a whole day. I would spend the WHOLE day in your craft room! Your touch in putting things together is amazing. I feel creative juices flowing just looking at the pic.

  2. Oh what fun! I remember digging through buttons as a child and like collecting them now.
    Awesome sewing room and adorable granddaughter, too. Can I come over and play? lol

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Who wouldn't love your craft room. Funny how kids are drawn to the rooms where we work. The ones in my family are the same, even the toddler.

  4. This is the sweetest posting! I love it when you post about Emolyn. She must be such a blessing to have around.
    Your craft room looks like Mary Englebreit.
    Have a great weeked!
    Ladybug Creek

  5. I still love playing with buttons and old notions...I don't think you ever outgrow it! Sweet post!

  6. Oh, this brought back memories from when I was a little gril. I would have loved to have played in your craft room!LOL

  7. What a good grandma you are Linda!
    You have so many neat things for Emolyn to play with and of course that gorgeous craft room!
    Hugs friend,

  8. OOOOO, I'd like to play in your craft room too! Emmolyn is such a cutie in her little fairy costume, and that photo of her, surrounded by all of the buttons, dice, marbles, etc. looks like she is in heaven. Thank you for linking this fun post to Favorite Things. laurie

  9. You must be an awesome grandma!

  10. ohmygosh! And who wouldn't love playing in your craft room. It's wonderful!!! And your little sweetie is such a doll. Thanks for linking up this precious post for VIF!

  11. I showed Emolyn these pictures and the first thing she said was "I was making soup!" No matter the ingredients she always likes to cook!
