Tuesday, January 25, 2011

felt garland

Yes, that's exactly what I said when I pulled out this stunningly beautiful felt garland.
 Gwen, whom I had never met, came to Randy's Christmas concert in December 
and brought me this lovely gift that she created just for me!
And I was giddy with glee!
And then I proceeded to misplace the lovely homemade card that came with the gift,
so I was unable to send her a thank you card.
Well, I was thrilled to find it today and decided to blog about it too.

How is it that Gwen knows me so well?
Well, she reads my blog, so she knows that I love buttons and fabric and all these delicious colors.
So as you can imagine, everything about this garland is so me and my sewing room!!
And I especially love the dusting of glitter on each circle.

Thank you Gwen!
I am humbled and grateful and tickled that you would do such a thing.
And my granddaughter Emolyn adores every single unique circle!


  1. Linda8:11 PM

    This is so cute and fits your room perfectly! My dear friend Gwen introduced me to your blog today and I wanted to let you know she is the sweetest person in the world. She is so thoughtful and special and the Lord prompts he to do all kind of wonderful acts of kindness and she is obedient to Him. Enjoy!
