Tuesday, January 04, 2011

passion and stuff

  • finally found a way to ingest Psyllium Husk without gagging... mix with cranberry juice instead of water. FYI, it's to lower cholesterol.
  • found the perfect 'pantry' door off Craig's List yesterday. And yes, it says 'pantry'. When we go pick it up, I find out the gal knows several people that I know. Small world.
  • every Christmas we are gifted with a fresh baked English Muffin loaf. I savor every single slice. And I don't share.
  • Another words, I need to lose several pounds.
  • I'm pretty passionate about repurposing, refurbishing, recycling and restoring.
  • my daughter Miranda has been attending PASSION 2011 in Atlanta for the past 4 days. The sessions are streamed live... and truly life-changing.
  • speaking of passion... I photographed these Passion flowers at Joe's Farm Grill on my birthday in December. Love these breathtaking flowers and love free meals on my birthday. Thanks Joe's Farm Grill!

What about you? What are you passionate about entering this new decade?


  1. Right now, I'm passionate about my blog. It's still a newborn!


  2. I'm with you Diann! Linda just got me going on my blog yesteday and I am loving it! very anxious to have people stop in! Please do..it's http://randlinshope.blogspot.com
