Sunday, January 02, 2011

Wisconsin winters

A year ago Jan. 1st, we arrived back in Phoenix after driving to Wisconsin for my Dad's funeral.
These images of the farm were taken just days before we left.
What a beautiful, crisp winter wonderland.

This is the house that built me.
You can read about my memories growing up that big old farmhouse HERE.

I love how my sister-in-law Debbie decorates the farm so beautifully for Christmas.

Randy & my brother Gary
Attempting to walk on top of the crusted snow to my brother's cabin.
I would make it a few steps and then crash through the surface of the snow.

A lovely Amish farm a few miles from the farm.

What is it about cows that we find so endearing?
Or is it just me...

Thanks for taking this little trip down memory lane with me.
Parts of the Valley actually had snow flurries a few days ago.
Randy & I were singing at an outdoor wedding near the Estrella Mountains past Goodyear
and missed out on all the excitement.
But trust me, the bride & groom were very happy that it didn't snow.
Anyways, I've been nostalgic for winters in Wisconsin ever since.
And wishing I was there with my family.


  1. Maybe one day the Lord will move you back to Wisconsin.

    I pined and pined for this place, and now just look, I LIVE here.

    We need some NEW snow now - - - the old is looking less than pristine.

    I'll be in Osseo on Friday night for supper with Cindy - - - if I see anything camera worthy, I'll take some picks and make a post just for you.

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I've been yearning for my hometown too, then I found out that it's snowing in Santa Clarita today! Seems to be snowing everywhere. I really want to go back to Vermilion in the winter sometime. I haven't been back there at that time since the mid 70's. I miss the snow.

  3. It certainly is beautiful, I can see why you miss it so much. And the cows?? It's in their eyes...I feel the same way. Happy New Year.

  4. Hi Linda,
    What beautiful pics and so familiar too!
    The hills around Northfield are so pretty and I just love driving along the back roads there!
    Can't wait to see you!
    E-mail me a number when you get a chance, I think I lost yours!
    Big Hugs,

  5. Ladies, Ladies....I have farm envie!!! You are so lucky to have grown up there and live there now! I love your pictures of the whole farm and the precious cow!!
    Oh my goodness! Red to get one myself!! Is this a dairy farm? I love it! I know it's a lot of hard work, but well worth it. Thanks for sharing this!
    Take care,
    Mel's Cabin

  6. These are beautiful photos of the farm. And I love cows too - grew up across the road from a dairy barn!

    Loving your blog!

