Monday, February 07, 2011

pie crusts & repurposing

(not my photo)
A couple months ago I was asked to teach a class in my home about something I was passionate about.  The Women's Ministry at my church saw a need for women to gather together in homes and connect, while learning something new.
Well, I immediately got all weepy because it was sort of a dream come true... and then because I was terrified. What if no one signed up for my class.
Well, I instantly thought about teaching a class on making pie crusts. I had several women over the years ask me to teach them to make a double crust pie. 
You see, when my 10 foot quartz counter top was being installed, I had a little melt down. Yes, fearful someone would drop this ginormous slab of quartz on their feet... but guilty because our 3rd born had just moved out, and we're newly empty nesters and I'm thinking "why in the world are we finally getting this amazing kitchen and no one is even living at home?!" 

But I also remember thinking, I could easily get several women around my new kitchen island and we could roll out pie crusts to beat the band!! 
Well last Saturday morning we did just that! And I have never been happier! It was truly a dream come true! Oh and not only did my class fill up the first day of sign-ups... but I had enough on a wait list for another class in the Spring!

Oh and the repurposing part? Well, that's my real passion. I love repurposing. So I figured while the pies were baking I would inspire them to find ways to re-purpose what they already have or find at thrift stores and yard sales. I showed them ways that I have done that around my home along with a few tables filled with repurposing ideas. (clic to enlarge each pic)

I've been using the same Betty Crocker pie crust recipe from the Betty Crocker cookbook I received on our wedding day in 1979 ~ which is also included in this Scrumptious Apple Pie recipe.
Oh and I spent hours the other day trying to find the adjustable pie crust shields that I lost in the kitchen remodel. Finally found them at the ABC Cake Decorating Supplies for $2.99. If you're like me you have several size Pyrex, stone and aluminum pie pans, so you'll want the adjustable shields.
The miniature steel pie pans were found many years ago at a thrift store. SO excited to finally use them in my class.

Each person had their own recipe, pie pan, bowl of flour and damp hand towel.

I could not have done this class without my apple peeler/corer/slicer! No way.

And I seriously couldn't ask for a better group of women either.
Thank you Janet, Pati, Lisa, Helen, Jeannette and Danielle!

We had such a meaningful time sharing our hearts and the pie I made...

... while the miniature pies they made from scratch were baking in the oven.

Oh my gosh! Are they cute or what!

Ok, I'll be honest, I was wanting to make my own mini-pies too,
so after they all left I had more fun baking and staging a fun mini-pie photo shoot outside.

Did you know... 
“Pies are the new Cupcake”... says Bonny Wolf of Weekend Edition Sunday. 

She goes on to say...
“This year cupcakes will have real competition from the humble pie. Trend-spotters are calling pie the food of the year. Texas and New York restaurants offer pie happy hours. Pies are showing up at weddings, and pie shops are opening in a neighborhood near you. Pies come in sweet and savory, maxi and mini, deep dish and deep- fried.”

I think I have found my new passion!


  1. So proud of you mom!!!

  2. Rock ON!! I would totally have taken your class.

  3. That countertop was for "such a time as this." What a great ministry opportunity. If I lived closer, I would have been there. After 25 years of marriage, I still can't make piecrust, but I did quit trying after the first decade or so.

  4. What an awesome post! What a fun gathering. Please share your inspiration with my followers, link to my blog bash K.I.S.S. Happy to be a new follower. :)

  5. Way to go Linda!
    I wish I could have been there to join your awesome class!
    What cute little pies!!!
    And we are still in overload excitement after the Packer win!
    What a game!!
    Hugs and miss you,

  6. What a great idea! I would have loved the repurposing part. Your blog was one of the things that got me into thrifting. I'm sure women would flock to see your gorgeous kitchen up close and personal. I know I always click on the pictures to make them as big as possible. :) Looks like a lot of fun. The mini pies are too cute, and I hope it's true that pies are the new cupcake.

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Linda, I'm so far behind on reading your blog. Can't wait to catch up. This sounds like such a fun class. Sorry I missed it and hope that I get to go to the next one. I've never been able to make a pie crust so it will be great to learn from a pro.

    I love the mini-pie tower photo. It's gorgeous!

  8. I LOVE this idea! You ladies sure looked like you were having fun. The whole idea of a pie-making party sounds good to me anyway. Nice job.

  9. Have to say, I smiled the whole way through this post! now I want pie!! What a fun fun thing for you and I am sure you are an amazing teacher.
