Wednesday, February 09, 2011



~ smiles when she gets in the van and the gas tank is full.
~ knows her husband loves and adores her.
~ tries to live each day to the fullest.
~ cries often.
~ prays for those with chronic pain & disease when she can't sleep at night.
~ loves to laugh.
~ dreams of hitting the road in her cozy cottage on wheels.
~ melts when she picks up the phone and hears "Hi Mimi!"
~ remembers that grieving comes in layers.
~ could stand to lose a few pounds.
~ dances in grocery stores... because she can't not.
~ wishes she was more disciplined.
~ is thankful for the love of friends & family.
~ worries that she will have regrets.
~ appreciates good health and good deals.
~ would love a good night's sleep.
~ falls asleep just before her favorite shows are over.
~ mentions sleep a lot.
~ wants to become a woman of simplicity.
~ needs to keep her eyes on Jesus.
~ would love to read your She... list and know you better.


  1. I am totally going to do this list!! I love your list!

  2. I love this woman and everything about her. She makes me complete and keeps me dreaming.

  3. Rob Brunner10:32 AM

    Great post Linda!

  4. Very sweet Linda! I love the part about dancing in grocery stores because you "can't not." :)

  5. What a great idea! I'll start working on my "she" list!! I'm afraid mine won't be as creative as yours though....

    Thanks for the idea!


  6. Oh so fun!! I too dance in the grocery store and I am known to skip there too.

  7. Oh lovely -- what I love is your husbands comment. So sweet.
