Monday, March 14, 2011

citrus blossoms

It happened. The orange blossoms have burst and the fragrant scent is intoxicating.
And the cool thing is... those orange blossoms will be oranges next year...

... even though this years oranges are still waiting to be picked.

I made my first pan of lemon bars from this years crop of lemons.
My aunt Marion from WI & my cousin Connie from New Mexico came for a visit
and we had more fun treasure hunting
and eating warm lemon bars in the van. (it was in the mid 80's)

Check out our mulberry tree below. Every day more and more leaves spring forth,
and I'm thinking I need to spring into action myself and get some projects checked off.
You see, here in the southwest, we know what's coming.
Hot, real HOT and blasted HOT!

So my goal is to make a way to park our van in the garage...
before the garage registers 150 degrees...
or the van parked outside registers 200 degrees in the dead-of-summer.
In all honesty, if you saw my garage, you would know that is no small feat.
So. Today I feel inspired. Not sure how long it will last. But here goes nothing...


  1. I love, love, love having a garage to park our vehicles in! Good luck with your project!

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Can't wait till we can get some healthy citrus trees in the back yard. Yours look so delicious. Let us know if you make room for the van. We can have a celebration!

  3. Linda,
    I just love the pics of the lemon trees! I bet those were the best lemon bars ever!
    I suppose it will be awfully hot in July?
    We are warming up a bit. Low 50's this week! There is so much snow to melt!

  4. OHHHH I remember that scent of Orange blossoms and the flowers and orange orchards that were down on baseline by south mountain when I was a little girl.. my dad would take us for drives to smell the orange blossoms.. it was almost overpowering!!

  5. Citrus blossoms are the best smell ever! We have a grapefruit & orange tree and our yard smells amazing! We lost our tangerine tree last winter. I'd love to replace it & get a lemon tree!q
