Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tyler's 22!

My son is such a fine, good young man.
I could not be more proud of who he is and what he is becoming.

Tyler @ 11 years old
Tyler has wanted to be a Marine since he was a young boy.

Tyler @ 22 years old
And Lord willing he will someday.

I can tell you one little girl that would miss him like crazy.
And so will I.
~ Love you Tyler Christian Thompson ~


  1. Happy Birthday to your son Linda!
    You are very blessed!

  2. Wow - your son reminds me just a little bit of mine - dark hair, beard, etc.
    Those are adorable pictures!

  3. Oh that last picture is adorable!

    I am contacting everyone as a reminder and an inquiry to see if they are attending the AZ blogger's luncheon on March 26th as I have to call the tea room on in the next few days with a head count.

    Details are on the Monday (3-14) post of my blog.

    If you are attending please leave a comment on that post.

    Thank you and be blessed!

  4. What a priceless picture of Tyler and Emolyn! She'll love that someday. What a great young man he is.
