Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hollyhocks @ Sunset

After my son Shawn picked up Emolyn this evening,
I quickly grabbed my camera and captured these golden hour moments.

Nothing like Hollyhocks @ sunset.

Every day I wake up to a new color that leaves me in awe of God's artistry.

And every day I wake up and I am easily overwhelmed and anxious at life in general. So I have a choice. Do I choose to believe by faith that God is good, no matter what? Or do I trust in my plans?
Lots going on this weekend.
Lots that require being fully present.
Our 22 year old son Tyler is being sworn in to the Marine Corp in the morning. I'm a Mom, so I am proud and scared all at the same time.
My friend Linda, the other Linda Larson is visiting from Wisconsin. Can't wait for us to perform at the Hand in Hand Reunion on Saturday! We have not sung together in several years. But it will be as though we never stopped. I just know it.


  1. Beautiful Hollyhocks...I'm planting them for the first time this Spring...or whenever Spring decides to join the world.
    Sounds like you have some really emotional plans this weekend...Blessings to you and may you enjoy every moment..;j

  2. Hi Linda,
    The hollyhocks are just outstandingly beautiful!!
    Sounds like your going to be a busy gal! Have fun and enjoy the singing and get together!
    I will be thinking of you and your son too, I know that must be a bit on the scary side.
    Big Hugs,

  3. Linda we so missed you last Saturday! I can't believe you have that china. I am sure you understand why I had to steal it. :)

  4. Good luck to your son. Stay strong!

    Laurie S.

  5. These photos are awesome. What a beautiful color they are. I pray that the Lord will always watch over your son and keep him safe.
