Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Hand in Hand Reunion

These sweet reunion images say it all... 

lots of hugs...

reuniting with old friends...

remembering a time in our lives that was foundational to who we are today...


and making new friends that will last forever.

The reunion was everything and more than I could have ever imagined!
70 of us gathered together to thank God for His love, and the meal we were about to share.

They forecasted temps in the mid-90's,
but then the clouds rolled in and cooled things off...

... and the day was spent catching up on the last 30 years...
over good food, friendships and fun music!

Hand in Hand was a concert ministry back in the 70's
that shared Jesus through all styles of music.
Thousands of teens accepted Christ during that time.
And it was at a Hand in Hand concert that I met my husband Randy,
but you can read all about that HERE.

As the sun began to set over the Estrella Mountains,
we were transported back in time to the tunes of sweet music filling the air.
It was simply magical.

Linda & I had not sung together in over 10 years. 
But it came back so easy and natural... just pure & simple harmonies.
And then while the music was playing... 
we were stunned to witness God's glorious handiwork!

PSALMS 19:1 ~
The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

Truly the most breathtaking sunset I have ever witnessed!
What a special gift from God.

These are the simple centerpieces that graced each of the tables.
~ candles in aqua blue Mason jars on burlap ~

The highlight of the evening was watching Glory Road reunited as a band
and playing great music again after many, many years.
What a memorable night!


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    It was a wonderful night! Just a joy to see so many faces that we'd not seen in years. The hugs were awesome and hopefully this time together will lead to many more smaller gatherings in the weeks and months to come.

  2. Wow - what a great reunion!
    That sunset was just icing on the cake...

    Our sunset yesterday was one of the most amazing I've ever seen.
