Friday, March 25, 2011

marriage retreat

Randy & I are teaching at a marriage retreat this weekend.
We are so looking forward to heading up to Kohl's Ranch
and being a part of God's plan in the lives of these dear couples.
And well, you know how much I love a road trip.

But I gotta tell you, we are both feeling pretty overwhelmed with life at the moment 
and desperately needing to get away.
It's a busy season and doesn't look to slow down much.

We are praying that we can take this time to reconnect and unit in our desire to finish well,
and let the material we teach minister to us in a powerful way.

And quite frankly, there is nothing that moves me more 
than hearing the truths my husband teaches. 
I am feeling rather weak and tired and empty right now,
so this weekend could not come at a better time for me.
If you think of it, pray for the teaching team and the 13 couples that are coming.
Thanks so much.


  1. Prayers on the way...

  2. I know you will have a great time and come home refreshed...besides girlfriend...Payson is amazing!!!

  3. That is so neat Linda!
    Have a lovely weekend and say a prayer for me too if you can.
    I am totally depleted too right now (emotionally and physically)
    Hugs to you,

  4. Linda that sounds so wonderful!!! I know it will be great for you! We are feeling kind of the same way around here these days:-)

  5. Praying for a great retreat for you - and everyone involved!

  6. praying...have a nice weekend..;j

  7. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Praying for you and Randy. Hopefully the gorgeous weather and God's creation will help to refresh you both.
