Monday, March 21, 2011


my handsome, hiking husband
We live mere minutes from the 48th Street entrance to South Mountain Park.

With close to 17,000 acres, it’s no wonder that Phoenix, Arizona’s South Mountain Park 
has been referred to as the world’s largest municipal park.

I love, love, LOVE hiking
So naturally we would hike up one of our favorite little spots closest to the park entrance,
to watch the SuperMoon rise up over the Superstition Mountains on Saturday night.

First of all, Phoenix gets maybe a handful of cloudy days each year,
so wouldn't you know one of them would be the night of the SuperMoon.

But we took a chance that the clouds would move out in time for the big reveal.
And we were thrilled when our son Tyler showed up just as we were leaving
and decided to join us.

Nothing like watching the city light up the night life.

I always wonder where everyone is going... what everyone is doing...
and fully aware of the good and evil that abounds in a city this size.
I always feel compelled to pray as I overlook such a vest expanse of humanity.

Finally the SuperMoon peaks out from the mountains and the clouds begin to dissipate, 
and there it is, in all it's glory.
And none of my pictures can begin to do justice to the grandeur of that moment.


  1. Love your photos - especially the one of Tyler!
    Your Supermoon photo turned out much better than mine! I agree: no photo could do that moon justice! We could only try!

  2. Beautiful! We looked for it when we were in sedona, but the clouds were covering it. Love love love that picture of Tyler. :)

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Love this! The moon as God intended... you , Randy and Tyler...

  4. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Love that Tyler was able to go with you! So thrilled that the moon peeked out for you too. Sounds like fun.
