Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

We have a Mom's Day Out program every Thursday at our church
and I am the teacher's assistant. I love my little job.
Well, as you can imagine, yesterday was a fun day filled with lots of activities.
We told the kids the story of Christ's death and resurrection...
and then we made deviled eggs for snack.

And that's when Kathy & I looked at each other and thought "deviled eggs?".
There has to be a better name than THAT!
So, does anyone out there call them something besides deviled eggs?
Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Oh my gosh, how cute is Emolyn and her favorite little girlie girls!

I love these little kiddles and my dear friend Kathy.
And I love Easter!

Have a very special weekend remembering Christ's death and resurrection. 



  1. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I had never thought about devilled eggs being called that before. And I've never heard them referred to by any other name.

    But I do know - if my Marshall had been in your class when he was that age, you'd have one little fella who wouldn't have eaten those devilled eggs! Picky child that he was!

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I never have loved the name of 'deviled' eggs- although we love to eat them! One Easter as I was preparing them, my son- about 4 (now a teenager) said we should call them 'angel eggs' we have been calling them that ever since : )
