Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunbonnet Sue quilt

My favorite little thrift store is closing this weekend and I'm still rather verklempt about it. Can't imagine my life without my favorite little thrift store. 
Anyway, I decided to pay homage this past Sunday when everything went 50% off till the store closes April 23rd.
I wasn't expecting much... it was already rather picked over, but I did splurge on this zany-looking bowling ball that I've had my eye on for weeks, in it's original Brunswick box for $3.00. It's going to look groovy cool in my backyard! Yes, very psychedelic 60's.
But when I got around to checking out, the line was long, so I decided to take another gander around the joint... and well, I struck gold... actually bright yellow.

I found a twin-size handmade Sunbonnet Sue quilt for $3.98!!!

And lest you think I'm losing my thrifting mojo... I'll have you know that they had just brought out several handmade quilts with no price tags. And I happen to stumble upon them at just the right time. Call it instincts. Or call me Al. (sorry, I've had Paul Simon's "Betty when you call me, you can call me Al" lyrics stuck in my head)

But I was psyched for two reasons ~ emolyn & elsie's bedroom is painted bright yellow... and I knew Nicole would love and appreciate such a treasured heirloom. Well, the girls loved it and I loved that my favorite little thrift store came through in the end.

Oh but rest assure, I'm not done shopping those hallowed aisles just yet. I plan on making a few more stops before the week is over, just to take it all in and... PERSEVERATE AND RUMINATE ABOUT ALL THE HOURS AND DOLLARS STOLEN FROM MY LIFE!!!!!  
Just kidding.

Linking up to ~


  1. Elsie couldn't for the life of her keep that tongue in her mouth for these pictures! We absolutely love the quilt, thank you so much!

  2. What a treasure Linda! You struck gold, that is awesome!
    And I feel lucky that I got to visit your thrift store with you!
    Sad that it's closing but I am sure you will find another favorite one soon!
    And look at Elsie! She has grown so much! I wish her Addison could play together, wouldn't that be cute!
    Maybe my next trip I can bring Addison with me!
    And I love the tablescape below, sooo pretty!

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I'd love to be able to find time to get down there before it closes. Not sure if I will, unless maybe I can talk Terry into coming down early before home group. What time do they close?

  4. That is crazy insane! How do you do it?

  5. Anonymous7:24 PM

    The girls look like they love their new quilts! What cutie pies they are!!

    I imagine you feel as if an old friend is moving out of town with the closing of your favorite thrift shop; that's how I know I would feel.

    Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello!
    Take care,

  6. Adorable pictures, and a great find!
