Wednesday, April 06, 2011

what a weekend!

Yes, what a full weekend!
I'm feeling the need to take some time and journal before I forget some of the details.
So this morning I will do so.
Ok, so we found out Thursday that Tyler's swearing-in ceremony was Friday morning. A little disconcerting to say the least. Linda was here from Wisconsin for the reunion... so I was a little distracted, but Randy & I were good to go Friday morning. Long story short, Tyler is not joining the Marines. He is at peace with his decision. And we feel God intervened in the final minutes and answered our prayers, even though we were totally supportive of him joining the Marines. Whew, talk about a shift in thinking, I am still letting that sink in. But it's all good.

Linda & I woke up Saturday morning of the Hand in Hand Reunion and climbed South Mountain to watch the sunrise. The perfect start to a day that would far exceed our expectations. So much fun reconnecting with old friends and remembering a time when God used a bunch of musicians in their 20's to draw teens and young people to Jesus. I will be posting more images from that day. Check out the HiH Reunion post prior to this post.

After maybe 4 hours of sleep, I woke up Sunday morning and my allergies had kicked in big-time. Linda & I had been sitting out in my backyard every chance we could and the blooming Mulberry tree was giving me fits. But what a sweet time we had sitting back there, talking, laughing, singing, crying and praying. So worth whatever those trees were dishing out.

We went to church and the worship was freeing and powerful. Linda met my darling little granddaughters... and then Randy, Linda & I drove to Camp Verde to visit our dear friends Randy & Debbie Jamison. This is their backyard!

Linda & I have known them since we arrived in Phoenix in 1977. So much fun reconnecting with Randy & Debbie, Randy's sister Marci & husband Scott, and Randy's parents. We sang and laughed and told stories and ate good food!

So incredibly peaceful and relaxing... I didn't want to leave.

When we left hours later, our hearts were full of love... 
tummies full of food... and our minds full of memories to last a lifetime.

Monday morning Linda & I once again plopped ourselves in the backyard and never came inside the whole day. The weather was near perfect. Again, so peaceful and relaxing... just what we needed after a busy weekend. 
We sipped on homemade lemonade and devoured too many lemon bars. Randy grilled the brats that I had cooking in the crockpot all day. And then we ended our time together by climbing South Mountain to watch the sunset. 
Truly awe-inspiring. 
In fact those images deserve a post all their own.
Today I sit and reflect on the faithfulness of God and friends. I feel loved and hopeful and peaceful.
And I feel so... well, sick. Seriously, all that time outside at the reunion, South Mountain, Camp Verde and in our backyard has reeked havoc and I'm an allergy mess... that unfortunately has turned into a cold.
I did nothing yesterday and I will do nothing today. 
I will soak in the memories and rest in His peace. 
And it's all good.

1 comment:

  1. Good weather, friends, music, food ... sounds perfect. Lemon bars ... YUM! I want a backyard and I want it to look just like that. Beautiful! Hope you get to feeling better. Best wishes, Tammy
