Sunday, August 21, 2011

emolyn loves accessorizing

Emolyn is everything and more than I could have ever dreamed in a granddaughter.
From the moment she steps through our front door, we play and play. 
She had me french braid her hair the other day
because she was going to a birthday party. I was in heaven. 

She loves pretending. And she loves accessorizing. 
And because she loves wearing glasses so much,
I popped the glass out of a pair of reading glasses I had and gave them to her.
And it's the first thing she puts on when she finds them waiting for her in her kitchen.

She pretends to get several text messages from her "husband" throughout the day,
telling her what time he will be getting off work.
He works at "donations"... and for the life of us we can't figure out what he does.

She loves pouring over my jewelry boxes.
She found this toe ring and it instantly became her "wedding" ring.
Later she said "Mimi, where did my husband buy me this ring? It's SOOO beautiful!"
She later said "I know, he bought it at Target!".

She also found an old locket that had pictures of my Mom & Dad inside.
After I told her who they were, she said very dramatically ~
"Oh Mimi, I would love to wear that necklace with a picture of my great grandma!" 
Oh and she also reminded me that elsie will not be calling me Mimi.
She will be calling me Grandma. And emolyn will call me Mimi.
And that's that. End of story.


  1. She's SO sweet!!

  2. Emolyn LOVES coming over to play! She did tell me though that she doesn't want her bangs but anymore, she likes them long :)
